How do you manage your users an their accesses to critical data?

All changes within municipalities and businesses involve a digital component. Digitization aims to enhance quality and deliver better experiences for citizens, customers, and employees while freeing resources to focus on your core tasks. 

You can use our professional Identity Management solution to track who has access to your critical IT systems. You get a solution with minimal administration and a strong focus on security.

Want to get started?

Becoming a customer at ID Connect is easy.

1. Initial contact

Let's meet. We will demonstrate our solutions and will discuss your needs and possibilities

2. We offer a PoC agreement

With the conclusion of a Proof of Concept agreement, our 4-week process begins.

3. The process starts

We provide a dedicated solution to be tested by your systems and your users.

4. You are ready to launch

After start-up, tests, and reporting, you can demonstrate compliance and move directly into production.

ID Connect er på SKI 02.22.

Med SKI 02.22 er der nu åbnet op for at købe vores IAM-service, der er målrettet de danske kommuner.

ID Connects service har gennem årene udviklet sig voldsomt, og vi investerer fortsat massivt i at understøtte kommunernes muligheder for at overholde reguleringer (bl.a. NSIS) samt understøtte behovene for integrationer, automatisering og øget selvbetjening.

Læs mere om den nye SKI-aftale her.

Want to know more about our solution?

Fra manuelle opgaver til automatiseret effektivitet – Frederiksberg Kommune høster gevinster med ny IDM-løsning

I januar 2024 besluttede Frederiksberg Kommune, at deres daværende Identity & Access Management-løsning skulle udskiftes. Systemet, som var præget af manuelle arbejdsgange og specialtilpasninger, var blevet en flaskehals for IT-afdelingen.