Employment based user creation with ID Connect

NSIS and other regulations are pressing hard, and if you are to both comply with the requirements and maintain effective user administration, the processes must be powered.

Webinar: Automatic user creation based on employment in payroll systems.

Friday 15/9-2023 at 09:00 to 09:30


Review of user creations in ID Connect based on:

1. Temporary job creations directly in ID Connect

2. user creations based on employment(s) in the payroll system

Relevant in relation to:

1. get your processes automated

2. have its processes documented


Get an overview of our solution, and at the same time see how IT can free up resources while improving the service and user experience for the professional staff in the municipality.

The webinar is held via Microsoft Teams, where registration can also be made.

Hope to see you.

Webinar in danish

I Hvidovre Kommune har ID Connect udviklet en løsning til oprettelse af vikarer

Med mange vikarer i Center for Sundhed og Ældre blev der stillet krav til fleksibilitet, brugervenlighed og høj hastighed, når vikarerne skulle tildeles adgange og rettigheder  – og fordelene var synlige fra dag 1!