ID Connect introduces “optional” roles.

In a decentralized organization where managers and/or security personnel in specific areas have responsibility, it is important for both user-friendliness and security that the authorized leaders and security personnel who allocate system access have a precise and targeted starting point.

To support this, ID Connect has introduced “optional” roles.

Optional roles ensure that the allocator:

  • Can only provide system access to the department’s own IT systems.
  • Can only choose from the few selected roles that are relevant in the department.
  • Experiences a simple, secure, and clear process when allocating access to colleagues.

In connection with our release in May 2023, we shared a video with our customers where we went through the solution. Here’s your chance to watch it again.

Webinar in danish

I Hvidovre Kommune har ID Connect udviklet en løsning til oprettelse af vikarer

Med mange vikarer i Center for Sundhed og Ældre blev der stillet krav til fleksibilitet, brugervenlighed og høj hastighed, når vikarerne skulle tildeles adgange og rettigheder  – og fordelene var synlige fra dag 1!