Collaboration is a great win for everyone
No one knows it all! On the contrary, there are great synergies in collaborating with companies that are specialists in their field.
ID Connect is a specialist company with a strong desire to share our service with everyone. If your company provides professional services and maybe other SaaS solutions, and you see an opportunity in offering a comprehensive Identity & Access Management service from ID Connect to your customers, we are 100% behind you.
We want – together with our partners – to establish a modern eco system that ensures that our customers can take advantage of the opportunities offered by new technologies and new services – without compromising security and legislation.
We wish to be an attractive vendor, and we are 100% focused on building and developing long-term strategic partnerships with you and your existing service providers.
Learn how Nyborg Municipality cracked to code to Identity & Access Management
With a new Identity and Access Management solution from ID Connect, Nyborg Municipality now has a better overview of the municipality’s user administration.
Feel free to contact us if you want to know more about how we collaborate
We would love to hear about your ideas about a collaboration around ID Connect’s solutions for Identity & Access Management. Use the contact form and let’s talk about how we can develop together.
Frequently asked questions
If your customers need a solution, ID Connect gives you the opportunity to maintain and expand your consulting business as well as earn a fixed monthly income on Identity & Access Management.
The solution is designed to complement Microsoft Active Directory with additional controls and better administration / self-service, and MS-AD consultants will therefore be able to help existing customers very quickly.
With ID Connect, you will help the IT department at your customers to facilitate self-service, governance and faster delivery on new user onboarding. You will also become part of discussion around all new IT systems and changes in your customers’ existing access control processes.
How can we help you?
IT security is basically about making sure that your employees work with updated equipment, that a firewall is in place, and backups are taken, etc. ID Connect goes a step further when it comes to managing employees’ digital identity and what access they have to systems and information.
Identity & Access Management
Identity & Access Management is so much more than just managing your employees’ access to systems and information here-and-now. It is about supporting the process from when a new employee is hired, grow in your organisation, and eventually leave or retire.
In today’s world, secure and governed access control is a must. However, it can be very difficult and time consuming to comply with without a centralized and up-to-date overview of who has access to your IT systems and the information on which your organisation rely on.
ID Connect. Maximum security. Minimum hassle!
Rolebased Identity & Access Management from ID Connect is for people and organisations who want a fast, secure, and user-friendly solution for administration and governance of their users and for the services and information they have access to. The solution will protect your employees’ digital identity no matter where they are, and create secure connections between your employees and the services required to fulfil their everyday jobs.